Shady Daze

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Shady Daze – 265 glyphs, 4 weights.

Wonky and witchy face inspired by a hand drawn handbill advertising a Black Sabbath concert.

The gig you may ask? Tiny Alice Productions present Black Sabbath, live, Friday, September 24, 1971, at the Century II Convention Hall in Wichita, Kansas.  Featuring openers John Manning and Gypsy, a progressive rock band from Minnesota. Show starts at 8:00 pm.

The price of this spectacle?  Advance tickets, available at the Central Ticket Agency, David’s, Sgt. Pepper’s or at Shady Daze Records (hence the name), only $4.50 or if you prefer $5.50 at the door.


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#GautFonts #BlackSabbath #WitchitaKansas #ConcertFlyers

