Download another cool and eclectic GAUTFONT
HoaryGaut – 264 glyphs, 1 weight.
Prickly and unhinged as a ransom note grunge face created during a font making demonstration.
While working at the now defunct Dove Marketing in 1998, I did a demonstration of the rudiments of creating a font for a couple of my coworkers in the art department. This was in the earliest days of my font making experiments, and some of the trends of that time period had an undue influence on my budding design aesthetic. Grunge faces were all over the web as well as an explosion of swash buckling pirate fonts. So while my friends watched, I quickly whipped up an all caps remix and HoaryGaut was born. It was just a bit of fun and extremely organic.
This is the third and greatest version of them all. I’ve tried to maintain the character of the original font while adding so new characters, a few redesigned ones and much improved spacing.
Download NOW.
#GautFonts #Grunge
$0.00 – $100.00