Download another cool and eclectic GAUTFONT
Houdini – 316 glyphs, 4 weights.
Bold and gothic display based on a typestyle used for the famous 1906 “Handcuff King” poster.
This long awaited update is completely redrawn, re-spaced and features a more traditional baseline than version one.
Harry Houdini (1874-1926) was arguably the most well known magician and escape artist in history. He is especially remembered for his death defying escapes and many publicity stunts. He could escape any handcuffs, straitjackets, prison cells and other contraptions such as his Milk Can Escape and The Chinese Water Torture Cell.
He devoted much of his energy to the public debunking of spiritualists, psychics and mediums, who he viewed as fraudulent hucksters, preying on the gullible.
He also had a brief career in Hollywood during the silent era, both as a technical consultant and starring himself in several films and serials.
Famously Houdini died on Halloween night, 1926, and miraculously, his name still lives to this day.
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