Download another cool and eclectic GAUTFONT
Samdan – 274 glyphs, 4 weights.
This is the long-awaited update of one of the most popularly used and published GautFonts of all time.
Bold, dark, retro and a little campy, inspired by the lettering first used for Samhain’s 1984 album “Initium” and then again on Danzig’s 1988 self-titled debut. This type treatment was based on the promotional posters used for the 1959 science fiction horror film “The Giant Gila Monster”, directed by Ray Kellogg.
You think you’ve known pain? Download NOW.
#GautFonts #Samhain #Danzig #TheGiantGilaMonster #ScienceFiction #Horror
$0.00 – $100.00