Spooky Magic
Download another cool and eclectic GAUTFONT
Spooky Magic – 253 glyphs, 4 weights.
This is the long-awaited updated version.
Way before I became a font nerd, my friends and I on Clyde Street were magic nerds. Around 1974, my parents purchased for me a copy of the 1963 edition of “Spooky Magic” through the Scholastic Book Club at École élémentaire Notre Dame in Hamilton. Written by Larry Kettelkampx, this book was originally published in 1955 and featured photography. The 1963 edition was re-designed and beautifully illustrated by William Meyerriecks.
I absolutely love that book and it still sits on my bookshelf to this day.
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#GautFonts #Magic #ScholasticBookClub
$0.00 – $100.00