Weird Sisters
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Weird Sisters – 317 glyphs, 4 weights.
Strange, quirky hand drawn style based on the titles of the novel “The Case of the Weird Sisters”.
Published by Coward-McCann in 1943, this mystery thriller was written by American author Charlotte Armstrong. It was the second in a trilogy of books, preceded by “Lay On, Mac Duff!” (1942) and followed by “The Innocent Flower” (1945). The series feature the exploits and adventures of amateur detective MacDougal Duff.
Loosely adapted in 1948 into the British film “The Three Weird Sisters”, starring Nancy Price, Raymond Lovell and Nova Pilbeam. Directed by Daniel Birt.
This resonated with me because I know all about weird sisters… I have four of them myself.
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#GautFonts #Mystery #Thriller #CharlotteArmstrong
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