Corpse Eaters
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Corpse Eaters – 324 glyphs, 4 weights.
Bizarrely groovy half sans, half Egyptian display based on the titles of the 1974 film “Corpse Eaters”.
Thought to be the very first Canadian gore film. This schlocky horror was directed by Donald R. Passmore and Klause Vetter. Written and produced by a teenaged Lawrence Zazelenchuk with a tiny budget of $36,000 raised at the 69 Drive-In theatre in Sudbury, Ontario. The movie premiered there and enjoyed a successful initial local run. Howard Mahler Films then purchased the distribution rights for $5,000. Unfortunately, this was only done as a tax write-off with no intention of ever releasing the film, causing it to fall into obscurity.
It’s since been rediscovered and released on DVD by Encore Home Video in the mid 90s in an incomplete 57 minute version. Apparently the original negatives and other source materials can all be found at Library and Archives Canada. Considering the film is due to fall into the public domain in 2024, we may yet get to see it in it’s true, original gory (sic). I mean (sick).
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#GautFonts #Horror #Gore #Schlock
$0.00 – $100.00