Download another cool and eclectic GAUTFONT
Tilt-A-Whirl – 251 glyphs, 1 weight.
Dizzyingly cool trammed Art Deco display typeface based on the signage of the world famous Tilt-A-Whirl.
Herbert Sellner invented this chaotic motion platform-type ride in 1926 at his home in Fairbolt, Minnesota. It debuted the following year at the Minnesota State Fair.
Many Tilt-A-Whirls built in the 40s and 50s are still operating today. The oldest one is a 1927 model traveling the US Midwest with the Tom Evans United Shows.
Modern Tilt-A-Whirls cost over $300,000 to buy.
As soon as your head stops spinning… Download NOW!
#GautFonts #CarnivalRides #Tilt-A-Whirl
$0.00 – $100.00